Snapped out of our Smugness

Just yesterday we were talking about extending our bubble to include the Cook Islands, and then WHAM! today we are back up the alert levels. I’m feeling sorry for the people in Auckland who are on strict restrictions with schools closed and people told to stay home until the government decides next steps.

Being in the Bay of Plenty we are at level 2, which just means social distancing again, this time is a bit different though because we are being encouraged to wear masks when we are out and about.

I’ve been on YouTube checking out the many many “how to’s” and have dug out some cotton and elastic and thought I might give it a go.

I quite like the stripey one and the tartan/plaid one. The next question is which style… maybe one of each.

So, yep. It totally sucks. I feel like going back is way harder, and I’m hoping that focusing on making things helps….. though it might also mean a whole lot of new projects started too!

Batty about Batts

I got a gorgeous fiber batt at FiberTron the other weekend from Twisted Zisters. It was a mix of merino and silk in soft white, yellow, and burgundy reds.

Fab Fiber Batt

I’ve had a couple of Annettes batts before which I’ve played with and made some passably okay yarn from, and this time I wanted to really try hard to do it justice.

I did a lot of googling and decided my best plan of attack would be to break it up in to rolags. This was something new for me, so they’re probably not the best looking ones you might have seen…

I kind of decided to go a bit thick and thin with the spinning, which was lucky because it seemed like that’s what the fiber wanted as well!!

Then came the decision of what to do next. I didn’t feel like it would make a good single, but I also didn’t want to ply it on itself and loose any of the texture. So I dug out some left over burgundy/red HolstGarn Super Soft and decided to use that to ply with.

The result is 2 skeins of barber pole, almost art yarn like, DK (ish) weight wool.

Now I’m on the hunt for that ‘perfect’ pattern.